Title: Burning for His Love
Author: Jae Kayelle
Feedback: writetosell@sasktel.net
Rating: R
Pairing: Jack/James
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the franchise. No copyright infringements intended. No profits made from this work of fiction.
Summary: The boys find that being male has its hazards.
Note: Written to make the_dala feel better.

Burning for His Love
by Jae Kayelle

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James finally stirred and his movement caused Jack to gasp, almost as if in pain. Lifting his head James asked sleepily, "What's wrong?"

"Yer whiskers! They burned me!"

James looked closely and saw that Jack's skin was indeed inflamed. He rubbed his chin feeling the bristly stubble of his three-day old beard. When Jack had arrived at his campsite in the middle of James' weeklong sabbatical from his duties as Commodore, their joy at reuniting had caused him to forget he had not bothered to shave since sailing away from Port Royal. Now Jack was paying for the oversight.

"Let me make it all better," he offered, with one eyebrow quirked upwards and the corners of his mouth fighting to burst into a full-blown smile. Jack nodded with a grin of his own.

"Aye. You do that, love. Make Jack feel better." Jack shifted around, making sure James had plenty of room to work.

James returned to the scene of his crime. He swept his tongue over the reddened flesh, soothing and healing the burns. He was careful not to further irritate the tender skin. Jack reached down and patted James' head where it bobbed between his legs, as he licked the wounded inner thighs and, more importantly, paid rapt attention to the centre of Jack's world.

"Good, love. Very good, love," he babbled. "Ahh, that's it. Yes. Yes! YES!"

As Jack's discomfort rapidly fled, James was hard put not to smile, even with his mouth full. Anything to keep his pirate happy, he knew Jack would help to soothe his own – inner – aches soon enough.


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